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Feminist Aspects in "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath

A summary of Chapters 19–20 in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar. Esther finally loses her virginity, and it is not the transformation she expects. Still, the experience.

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Description:If she were a feminist, then it would only make sense to assume that her writing would be put into the category of feminist literature, but one should never assume anything. The Bell Jar is a feminist novel, not because it was written by a feminist, but because it deals with the feminist issues of power, the sexual double standard, the quest for identity and search for self-hood, and the demands of nurturing. Losing Control The Bell Jar is a novel about a young woman, Esther Greenwood, who is in a downward spiral that ends in an attempted suicide and her challenge to get well again. Esther is increasingly fascinated by death. When she feels as if she is losing control over her life, or losing power, she begins to take control of her own death. She had always been a high achiever in school.

Views: 4802 Date: 2018-08-10 Favorited: 29 favorites

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