Barrymore dick movie ski

Dick Barrymore (–) was an American ski film maker of the s and s and an advocate of "hot dogging" (early freestyle skiing).

Dick Barrymore

Dick Barrymore, ski film auteurBy MOUNTAIN EXPRESS STAFFDick Barrymore, maker of ski films and developer of a resort in Mexico, died at his Ketchum.


Dick Barrymore - Wikipedia

Description:He also filmed the wife of the Shah of Iran at a Tehran ski area. Once you watched a Barrymore movie, there was no mistaking his talent behind the camera or ability to tell a story. The world of skiing was fortunate to have him, Ketchum's Jim Stelling said Monday, because of Barrymore's "artistry as a cinematographer and as a storyteller. For him it was the art of the tale.

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