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Who's Nailin' Paylin? is an American satirical pornographic film released on November 4, , that satirizes former U.S. vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The film was directed by Jerome Tanner and stars Lisa Ann. Besides being a parody of Sarah Palin, the film includes . The ad called for "a Sarah Palin look -alike for an adult film to be shot in the.

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3 Oct The ad read: "Looking for a Sarah Palin look-alike for an adult film to be Flynt, who suffers from bipolar disorder and is paralysed from the.

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2 Oct Hustler producing Sarah Palin adult film spoof: "NAILIN' PAYLIN" Palin getting seduced by her college creationist professor who “will explain.

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Description:Sarah Palin Sarah Palin porn film made by Larry Flynt Pornography baron Larry Flynt has filmed an adult movie about Sarah Palin, with a look-alike standing in for the Republican vice-presidential nominee. Flynt's team had posted an anonymous advert on the website Craigslist just days after Mrs Palin took the Republican convention by storm last month. Flynt's spokesman confirmed to the New York Daily News that the film had been shot, but he would not yet reveal the title. Related Articles 03 Oct Bloggers have already suggested various titles such as "Northern XXXposure" and "Riding Pipeline" Flynt, who suffers from bipolar disorder and is paralysed from the waist down after an assassination attempt, has run for public office in the past and sees himself as a champion of freedom of speech. In , a film based on his life, titled The People vs.

Views: 8976 Date: 2018-11-10 Favorited: 3 favorites

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What a complete slut. Loved this video and her thick ass